Solo: A Star Wars Story Quote

[Qi'Ra makes contact with her boss, who appears in a hologram] Maul: Yes?
Qi'Ra: I regret to inform you that Dryden Vos is dead, murdered by the thief he hired to steal the coaxium ship and his friend - Tobias Beckett.
Maul: Is that so? Where is the shipment now?
Qi'Ra: Gone. Beckett took it. Slaughtered the others. I alone survived. [Maul takes off his hood]
Maul: One man couldn't have done this alone.
Qi'Ra: I wasn't there. But if I had been, perhaps I could've saved him. [Maul sneers, then chuckles and pulls a weapon to him with the Force]
Maul: Bring the ship and come to me on Dathomir and you and I will then decide what to do with the traitor Beckett and his accomplices. [Qi'Ra nods]
Qi'Ra: I'm on my way. [Maul ignites his lightsaber]
Maul: Qi'ra, you and I will be working much more closely from now on. [Maul deactivates his lightsaber and the hologram goes off]

Movie: Solo: A Star Wars Story


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