Since You Went Away Quote

Mrs. Anne Hilton: Jane, dear, come into the living room. I'd like to talk to you.
Jane Deborah Hilton: What's the matter, Mom?
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Well, mayn't I talk to you if I want to?
Jane Deborah Hilton: Of course, but you sound so strange.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Do I? I'm sorry, I don't mean to.
Jane Deborah Hilton: What is it? Why couldn't Brig hear? Is that why you sent her - ? Not about... Pop.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: No. Sit down, darling. Jane, dear, I'm terribly proud of the way you've grown up. I'm sorry Pop missed it.
Jane Deborah Hilton: Oh, is that all? That's sweet of you, Mother.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: No, dear, it isn't -
Jane Deborah Hilton: It's so wonderful being at the hospital. I wish you could come and visit.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: I will.
Jane Deborah Hilton: But some of it's so sad. If you could see those boys. And they're so cheerful, most of them.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: I know. They have such courage. I like to think that you have that kind of courage, too, darling.
Jane Deborah Hilton: What are you trying to tell me?
Mrs. Anne Hilton: That when a man goes off to war, we have to be -
Jane Deborah Hilton: Bill!
Mrs. Anne Hilton: The telegram came just a few minutes ago. It was addressed to you, but I opened it.
Jane Deborah Hilton: Did it say he was missing, or what? I don't care if he's wounded, I don't care what's happened to him, if only -
Mrs. Anne Hilton: No, dear, it said he... it said he died in action at Sa

Movie: Since You Went Away


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