Short Term 12 Quote

Mason: Grace. Where are you going?
Grace: I can't do that.
Mason: Ok. Let's go. Let's go. I'll drive us home.
Grace: I don't wanna go home. It's not what I'm talking about.
Mason: I know it's been a really fucked up day, okay?
Grace: Mason, you have no idea what I'm going through right now.
Mason: Then tell me. That's how this works. You talk to me about it so that I can take your hand and fucking walk through this shit with you. That is what I signed up for, okay? But I cannot do that if you won't let me in.
Grace: I can't. I'm sorry.
Mason: You're sorry? Grace, are you serious? I've been waiting for you for a really long time and I wouldn't take a second of it back because I love you so goddamn much, okay? But I've been waiting for three years to as why is that you don't trust me. I've been waiting for three years for you to, just once, take the advice you give your kids every fucking five minutes and learn to talk about what's going on inside your head. You can't do that for me? Whatever it is, okay, just talk to me.
Grace: I can't do this. I can't. I can't marry you. I can't have your baby. I can't any of that. I can't do it.
Mason: So what do you wanna do? Huh? You wanna get an abortion?
Grace: I already made the appointment.
Mason: Do whatever you want, okay? Cause I'm done.

Movie: Short Term 12


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