Sherlock Quote

Sherlock Holmes: John, concentrate. I need you to concentrate. Close your eyes.
John Watson: Wh-what? Why? Why? What are you doing?
Sherlock Holmes: I need you to maximise your visual memory. Try to picture what you saw. Can you picture it?
John Watson: Yeah...
Sherlock Holmes: Can you remember it?
John Watson: Yes, definitely!
Sherlock Holmes: You remember the pattern?
John Watson: Yes!
Sherlock Holmes: How much can you remember it?
John Watson: Well, don't worry!
Sherlock Holmes: Because the average human memory on visual matters is only 62% accurate.
John Watson: Yeah, well, don't worry, I remember all of it.
Sherlock Holmes: Really?
John Watson: Yeah, well, at least I would, if I could get to my pockets! Took a photograph...

TV Show: Sherlock


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