Sharpes Waterloo Quote

Prince William of Orange: Good day to you. We're fighting Boney you know. Indeed we are. This day, at the cross roads of Quartre Bras... He's been seen.
Wellington: Has he been? [disbelievingly]
Prince William of Orange: We're holding the woods I do believe... yes.
Uxbridge: Where are your men?
Prince William of Orange: Fighting... Fighting.
Uxbridge: I stand corrected, highness. I know very little about uniforms, other than me own, but I could have sworn these was yours as is running. Ain't they?
Prince William of Orange: Some of them, Lord Uxbridge, some of them. Come back here ya cowards. [as he chases after them]
Wellington: [to Uxbridge] I never mind men running as long as they come back.
Wellington: [to the retreating troups] My lads, you look blown from your run. Come, do take breath a moment. Then we will go back and try if we can do better. Take heart, soon have some guns up.
Wellington: Uxbridge.
Uxbridge: Wellington?
Wellington: When?
Uxbridge: Oh, they do come I assure you. What of the Prussians. Any word at all?
Wellington: I tell the Prussians we'll support them but only if not attacked here. They'll have to fight without us today.
Wellington: [distant cannon sounds] Listen. There. The Prussians have started before us.
Prince William of Orange: [the Prince has returned to the group and Sharpe has joined them] Sharpe, you hear those guns, Sharpe? Far off. That's the Prussians pasting up the French. Do you hear it. Listen.
Prince Will

TV Show: Sharpes Waterloo


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