Rock the Kasbah Quote

[first lines] Maureen: [having just finished singing her audition]Mr. Lanz? I'm done.
Richie Lanz: [long pause]No. [sighs]
Richie Lanz: Forgive me. No. You're just beginning.
Maureen: You liked it?
Richie Lanz: Liked it? You made me want to swallow poison. And forget pitch, rhythm and tone... and emotional attachment to the lyric or the melody.
Maureen: I'm sorry. I don't think I...
Richie Lanz: A grain of sand slips into an oyster... and irritates the bivalve. What happens?
Maureen: A pearl.
Richie Lanz: Celine Dion. Miss Nicki Minaj. Christina Aguilera occasionally. All of them deeply, profoundly irritating. Each one of 'em a huge star. You - mighty Mo - are that irritant. [inhales]
Maureen: So you'll represent me?
Richie Lanz: If you'll have me... Richie Lanz Management... globally, in all markets.
Maureen: [squeals, laughs]
Ronnie: [entering]Welcome to the team.
Maureen: Thank you! Thank you. So $1,200?
Richie Lanz: It's just to cover wardrobe, studio time, gym classes.
Maureen: Oh, I go to a gym...
Richie Lanz: Wanna get you a good blender too.

Movie: Rock the Kasbah


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