RoboCop Quote

Senator Hubert Dreyfuss: I don't care how sophisticated these machines are, Mr. Sellers. A machine does not know what it feels like to be human. It can't understand the value of human life. Why should it be allowed to take one? To legislate over life and death, we need people who understand right from wrong. What do your machines feel?
Raymond Sellars: Well, they feel no anger. They feel no prejudice. They feel no fatigue, which makes them ideal for law enforcement. Putting these machines on the streets will save countless American lives.
Senator Hubert Dreyfuss: You're evading the question.
Raymond Sellars: No, I'm not.
Senator Hubert Dreyfuss: Yes, you're evading the question. I asked what do these machines feel? If one of them killed a child, what would it feel?
Raymond Sellars: Nothing.
Senator Hubert Dreyfuss: And that's the problem. That's why 72 of Americans won't stand for a robot pulling the trigger.

Movie: RoboCop


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