Return to Sender Quote

[first lines] Nancy: Hey! How was it? How'd it go?
Miranda Wells: Dr. Cyper's amazing. You'd think he was cutting the crusts off his kid's sandwich.
Nancy: So you really want to leave all of this for that?
Miranda Wells: If I qualify for this transfer, I'll still... [moving a plate of sandwiches]
Miranda Wells: Is this yours?
Nancy: Oh, yeah, sorry.
Miranda Wells: I will still be all this adjacent.
Nancy: I don't know why you want to be a surgical nurse. You know, I can take my kids barfing on me, I can take the patients whizzing on me, but the minute you pull out a scalpel, I'm like, oh, gross! [repeatedly dabs sandwiches crumbs off of the nursing station counter top]
Miranda Wells: Yeah, it can be awfully revolting.

Movie: Return to Sender


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