Rango Quote

Rango: [taken aback]Golden guardians... Alabaster chariot... The Spirit of the West! [to Spirit]
Rango: Ahem... excuse me... Mister Spirit... sir?
Spirit of the West: [eyeing a fish hook]Now there's a beaut. Sometimes you have to dig deep to find what you're looking for. [to Rango]
Spirit of the West: So, you made it.
Rango: Is this Heaven?
Spirit of the West: If it were, we'd be eating Pop Tarts with Kim Novak.
Rango: Yeah, ain't that the truth. What are you doing out here?
Spirit of the West: Searching... same as you.
Rango: [downhearted]I don't know what I'm looking for. I don't even know who I am. [brighter]
Rango: They used to call you 'The Man with No Name'.
Spirit of the West: Nowadays, they have a name for just about everything. Doesn't matter what they call you... it's the deeds that make the man.
Rango: But my deeds just made everything worse. I'm a fake... a phony. My friends were counting on me. They were looking for some sort of hero.
Spirit of the West: [emphatic]Then be a hero!
Rango: [disbelief]Oh, no! No, no. I'm not even supposed to be out here.
Spirit of the West: That's right. You came out here looking for something that didn't exist. But don't you see? [pause]
Spirit of the West: It's not about you... it's about them.
Rango: But I can't go back.
Spirit of the West: Don't think you have a choice, son. [draws rectangle on windshield]
Spirit of the West: No man can walk out of his own story.

Movie: Rango


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