Postal Quote

Officer Greg: Citizens of this great nation... town. Watch out for this psychopathic deranged killer also known as...
Officier John: [whispers to Greg] Postal Dude.
Officer Greg: Postal Dude. [mutters to John]
Officer Greg: Is that the best you could come uo with? [to crowd]
Officer Greg: Postal Dude! He's wanted for kidnapping, a shootout at the social welfare office, the assassination of Candidate Wells...
Officier John: [whispers to Greg] And the killing of a Chinese woman.
Officer Greg: And he killed a poor, innocent, old Chinese lady. If you have seen him...
Dude: Ever had one of those days?
Mob Member: No. [looks at the Postal Dude]
Mob Member: Heyhey! It's the Postal Dude!
Dude: Get away! [runs away]
Mob Member: [to the Mob] After him!
Officer Greg: [looks at the Postal Dude's picture were he got long hair] No, that's not him. Do you see his hair at the sides? This guy looks like Jesus.

Movie: Postal


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