Peter Rabbit Quotes

Pigling Bland: Diet starts now...
Pigling Bland: *Grabs and eats a fruit
Pigling Bland: Now...
Pigling Bland: *Grabs and eats another one
Pigling Bland: Now!

Movie: Peter Rabbit
Bea: What do you miss most about the store? And don't say having everything in its proper place. I get it. You have control issues.
Thomas McGregor: I miss being helpful. A parent or grandparent comes into this shop looking for a gift for the child they love. I ask a few simple questions and know exactly what they need.
Thomas McGregor: I love helping people get what they want. [pause]
Thomas McGregor: Especially when they don't even know that they want it. Those are the best.

Movie: Peter Rabbit
Thomas McGregor: [Strangling Peter]I've chilled out, man. I'm cool now.

Movie: Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit: He's in a better place now. [watches the ambulance drive away]
Peter Rabbit: The ice cream truck, with the flashing lights.

Movie: Peter Rabbit
Benjamin Bunny: I'm still so out of shape.
Peter Rabbit: How's it working with the putting the dressing on the side?
Benjamin Bunny: Good. But, I don't understand why it's healthier to drink it all at once.

Movie: Peter Rabbit
Thomas McGregor: I'm allergic to blackberries.
Peter Rabbit: [From above]*Allergic* to *blackberries*?
Peter Rabbit: Is that even a thing? Is that where we've gone to? I mean, suddenly *everyone* is allergic to *everything*!
Peter Rabbit: [yelling at Thomas]Stop using it as a crutch!
Benjamin Bunny: You know, some people do have legitimate medical conditions.
Peter Rabbit: Of course, of course, it's a real struggle, my heart goes out to them, it's very tough, very sad, I don't want to get any letters [looks at camera]
Peter Rabbit: ...
Peter Rabbit: But THIS guy, come on!

Movie: Peter Rabbit
Cotton-Tail: That'll do pig. That'll do.

Movie: Peter Rabbit