Patton Quotes

Patton : We're not just going to shoot the bastards, we're going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads on our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel.

Movie: Patton
[ as the British parade into Messina ]
Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery : Don't smirk, Patton. I shan't kiss you.
Patton : Pity. I shaved very close this morning in preparation for getting smacked by you.

Movie: Patton
Patton : In about fifteen minutes, we're going to start turning these boys into fanatics - razors. They'll lose their fear of the Germans. I only hope to God they never lose their fear of me.

Movie: Patton
Soldier : Where ya goin', General?
Patton : Berlin. I'm going to personally shoot that paper-hangin' sonofabitch.

Movie: Patton
Patton : What's the matter with you?
Soldier Who Gets Slapped : Well, I... I guess I... I can't take it anymore.
Patton : What did you say?
Soldier Who Gets Slapped : It's my nerves, sir. I... I just can't stand the shelling anymore.
Patton : Your *nerves*? Well, hell, you're nothing but a God-damned coward. [ Soldier start sniveling ]
Patton : Shut up! [ Slaps him, once forehanded, then backhanded on the rebound ]
Patton : I'm not going to have a man sitting here *crying*! In front of these brave men who have been wounded in battle! [ Soldier snivels some more, and Patton swings a vicious forehand slap, knocking his helmet away ]
Patton : *Shut up!* [ to the doctors ]
Patton : Don't admit this yellow bastard. There's nothing wrong with him. I won't have a man who's just afraid to fight *stinking up this place of honor!* You will get him back up to the front. [ to soldier ]
Patton : You're going back to the front, boy. You may get shot, and you may get killed, but you're going back to the fighting. Either that, or I'll stand you up before a firing squad. Why, I ought to shoot you right now, you... [ pulls his service automatic. At that, the doctors leap forward and hustle the soldier out of the tent. Patton keeps shouting at the soldier's back ]
Patton : God-damned bastard! Get him out of here! Take him back to the *front! You hear me? You God-damned coward!* [ Takes deep breath ]
Patton : I won't have cowards in my army.

Movie: Patton
Patton : When we took Palermo they called me a hero, said I was the greatest general since Stonewall Jackson.
General Omar N. Bradley : [ looking at a newspaper and chuckling ] And now they draw cartoons about you.

Movie: Patton
Patton : "Despicable". That's the first time anyone's ever applied that word to me.

Movie: Patton
Patton : I don't know why, but the image of a bullet coming straight for my nose was more horrifying than anything else.
General Omar N. Bradley : Well, I can understand that, George, it's such a handsome nose.

Movie: Patton
Patton : I'm not going to subsidize cowardice.

Movie: Patton
Doctor : I can't wear my helmet and use a stethoscope.
Patton : Well, then cut two holes in your helmet and see that you can.

Movie: Patton
Patton : The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality for the Saturday Evening Post don't know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating.

Movie: Patton
Col. Gen. Alfred Jodl : In 15 minutes, we meet with the Fuhrer. He will want to know how you intend to deal with Patton's forces.
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel : I will attack and annihilate him...! [ long pause ]
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel : ...before he does the same to me.

Movie: Patton
Capt. Richard N. Jenson : They haven't spotted our positions yet.
Patton : They will get some education in about 10 seconds when they get a dose of our artillery fire.

Movie: Patton
Lt. Col. Charles R. Codman : G2 also reports that Hitler probably retained Rommel in Berlin because things were going badly for the Afrika Korps. He didn't want his favorite general to lose face.
Patton : Well, I'm my favorite General. I don't want to be told that some second stringer is up against me; Then *I* lose face. [ winks ]

Movie: Patton
Patton : In ten days I'll have a war on with those Communist bastards, and I'll make it look like THEIR fault.

Movie: Patton
Patton : [ apologizing to his troops after the "slapping" incident ] I can assure you that I had no intention of being either harsh or cruel in my treatment of the... soldier in question. My sole purpose was to try to restore in him some sense of appreciation of his obligations as a man and as a soldier. "If one could shame a coward," I felt, "one might help him to regain his self-respect." This was on my mind. Now, I freely admit that my method was wrong, but I hope you can understand my motive. And that you will accept this explanation... and this... apology.

Movie: Patton
General Omar N. Bradley : What we really need is... someone tough enough to really pull this outfit together.
Brig. Gen. Hobart Carver : Patton?
General Omar N. Bradley : Possibly.
Brig. Gen. Hobart Carver : [ with a smile ] God help us!

Movie: Patton
Moroccan Minister : [ Morroccan Minister speaking to Patton,in presenting award, immediately after placing medal around Patton's neck ] The lions in their dens tremble at his approach.

Movie: Patton
Capt. Oskar Steiger : [ inside the German bunker ] Sir, the Americans have taken Palermo!
General Alfred Jodl : Damn!
Messenger : [ after pulling up to Monty's command post ] Sir, Patton's taken Palermo!
Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery : Damn!

Movie: Patton
Patton : Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee of Thy great goodness to restrain this immoderate weather with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for battle. Graciously harken to us as solders who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. AMEN.

Movie: Patton
Patton : [ Bradley frowns as Patton pins on his new stars ] What's the matter, Brad? I've been nominated by the president.
General Omar N. Bradley : I know... but it doesn't become official until it's been approved by the Senate.
Patton : Well, they have their schedule and I have mine.
General Omar N. Bradley : [ smiles wryly ] George, I think if you were named Admiral of the Turkish navy, your aides could dip into their haversacks and come up with the appropriate badges of rank. Anyway, congratulations, George... [ extends his hand, then pulls it back ]
General Omar N. Bradley : *premature* congratulations. [ shakes Patton's hand ]

Movie: Patton
Patton : [ Patton is apologizing to the troops after the slapping incident ] I thought I would stand here like this so you could see if I was really as big a son of a bitch as you think I am.

Movie: Patton
Translator : The general would like to know if you will drink a toast with him.
Patton : Thank the general and tell him I have no desire to drink with him or any other Russian son of a bitch.
Translator : [ Nervous ] I can't tell him that!
Patton : Tell him, every word.
Translator : [ In Russian ] He says he will not drink with you or any Russian son of a bitch.
Russian general : [ In Russian ] Tell him he is a son of a bitch, too. Now!
Translator : [ Very nervous ] He says he thinks you are a son of a bitch, too.
Patton : [ laughing ] All right. All right, tell him I'll drink to that; one son of a bitch to another.

Movie: Patton
Capt. Richard N. Jenson : What are you doing there, soldier?
Soldier getting up from floor : Trying to get some sleep, sir.
Patton : Well, get back down there, son. You're the only son of a bitch in this headquarters who knows what he's trying to do.

Movie: Patton
Patton : You know, Dick, if I had my way, I'd meet Rommel face to face; him in his tank and me in mine. We'd meet out there somewhere... salute each other, maybe drink a toast, then we'd button up and do battle. The winner would decide the outcome of the entire war.

Movie: Patton
Patton : I love it. God help me I do love it so. I love it more than my life.

Movie: Patton
Patton : God, how I hate the twentieth century.

Movie: Patton
Capt. Oskar Steiger : [ explaining Patton's attitude toward war ] Sir, do you not see?
General Alfred Jodl : What?
Capt. Oskar Steiger : Don Quixote battles six merchants from Toledo and saves Dulcinea's virtue!
General Alfred Jodl : Who the devil is Dulcinea?

Movie: Patton
Patton : Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. If anything made by God can be overcome, anything made by man can be overcome.

Movie: Patton
[ Vice-Marshal Arthur Coningham and General Patton are discussing the lack of supporting air cover the British have been providing for American troops ]
Air Vice-Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham : I promise you one thing, General. You will see no more German planes. [ Moments later two German planes fly by overhead and begin to attack the compound, part of the ceiling in the room the two are in collapses as they scramble to take cover underneath a table ]
Patton : You were discussing, uh, air supremacy, Sir Arthur?

Movie: Patton