Pacific Rim Quote

Gottlieb: This is all wrong! There should be three Kaijus coming through, not two!
Dr. Newton Geiszler: There should be three and there's two? I'm sorry, it hurts to be wrong, don't it, Hermann?
Gottlieb: I am not wrong, but there is something here we don't understand.
Dr. Newton Geiszler: Okay. Hermann, we can hopefully argue about any mistakes you made in your your predictive model in the future. But in the meantime, the neural interfaces are way off the charts! If you want to help, help with that.
Gottlieb: Newton, I am not wrong. There is only one way to make sure... and that is to do this... together. I'll go with you. That's what the Jaeger pilots do, share the neural load.
Dr. Newton Geiszler: You're serious? You - You would do that for me? Or would do that with me?
Gottlieb: Well, with worldwide destruction a certain alternative... Do I really have a choice?
Dr. Newton Geiszler: Then say it with me, my man: We're gonna own this bad boy!
Gottlieb: By Jove, we are going to own this thing for sure!

Movie: Pacific Rim


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