Northwest Rangers Quotes

'Slip' O'Mara: [Slip shows the gamblers their roulette wheel has been rigged] Caswell's been pickin' you all as cleaner than an Armenian can pick a fried hen!

Movie: Northwest Rangers
[last lines]
Elizabeth Browne: [standing alongside Langdon Towne as Major Robert Rogers and his rangers march into the distance] Is there, Langdon? Is there a Northwest Passage?
Langdon Towne: Who knows. [pause]
Langdon Towne: It's every man's dream to find a short route to his heart's desire. If the major dreams long enough, he'll find it.
Elizabeth Browne: Will we hear from him?
Langdon Towne: Hear from him? [pause]
Langdon Towne: Every time we look across the river we'll hear his voice calling us through the wind. He'll be within us, Elizabeth - wherever we are or he may be - for that man will never die.

Movie: Northwest Rangers