Nip Tuck Quote

Christian: Three tickets for the Vin Diesel movie.
Kimber: I thought we're watching Jude Law.
Christian: [rolls eyes] I'm not watching three hours of Jude Law. Doesn't he get castrated at the end of this one?
Kimber: You always choose the movie. We haven't seen anything I like in the past two years.
Christian: I'm sorry the movies I like are not the cinematic masterpieces you direct, Kimber.
Kimber: These 'masterpieces' grossed more in first-month DVD sales than you made the entire year last year, asshole.
Christian: [to Kit] This is all your fault. You are constantly whispering in her ear to box me out. [Edit] Kimber and I understand each other. We have a shorthand. [buys two movie tickets and storms off] Jerk each other off.

TV Show: Nip Tuck


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