Night Moves Quotes

Harry Moseby: What happened to your face?
Quentin: I won second prize in a fight.

Movie: Night Moves
Joey Ziegler: He'd **** a woodpile on the chance there was a snake in it.

Movie: Night Moves
Paula: How do you resist Delly?
Harry Moseby: Oh, I just think good, clean thoughts, like Thanksgiving, George Washington's teeth.

Movie: Night Moves
Dena: By 2048 the oceans are going to be empty.
Harmon: Yeah, who says?
Dena: Science.
Harmon: Science... Maybe science is wrong.
Dena: No. 29 of edible fish have gone day by 90. More people are moving to the coast lines, there there's more pollution, more waste. Situation is getting geometically worse. It'll all go fast in the end. Once the marine bio-diversity goes, everything goes with it.

Movie: Night Moves
Josh: Yeah, it's got to be big. If people are going to start thinking anyway... Killing all the salmon just so you can run your fucking iPod every second of your life. And that's what's gonna happen. People are gonna start thinking. They have to.

Movie: Night Moves
Harmon: Night moves? Slick.

Movie: Night Moves
[first lines] Dena: Whoa, I think that was an Oriole. I didn't know we had those.

Movie: Night Moves