Mutant Aliens Quote

Susan Murphy: Good news, guys. Turns out that yeti sighting was just a false alarm, so it looks like we get the rest of the night off.
B.O.B.: Hey, Susan. Have some coffee. It's totally normal. No one in it at all. [as Susan picks up her mug, Link pops out of it, roaring]
The Missing Link: This could use some milk. [Unimpressed, Susan just pours Link out of the mug]
The Missing Link: Sheesh, where is your Halloween spirit?
Susan Murphy: Hey, I've got plenty of Halloween spirit. Just wait and see my zombie cheerleader costume. Now where am I gonna get some really huge pom-poms?
The Missing Link: Susan, you're a real monster now, and that means you're playing in the big leagues, with the big boys. I've got fifty years of Halloweens scrunched up inside me, just bursting to come out. 'Cause this isn't any night, it's our night, and when the time comes, we's got to terrify.

Movie: Mutant Aliens


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