Mulberry Quotes

[first lines]
Mulberry: Look, Dad, I can't kill her.
The Stranger: I wish you'd stop talking about *killing* people. It's never been your job to kill her, just see her to the end. I'm not a gangland boss, and you're not one of my hit men. I am Death, my son.
Mulberry: I like her.
The Stranger: Emotion doesn't come into it.
Mulberry: Look, put me on someone else, please.
The Stranger: No. You've gotta learn with Miss Farnaby. And you're gonna learn if it kills me.

Movie: Mulberry
[last lines]
Alice: You look like death warmed up.
Mulberry: Oh, Alice.

Movie: Mulberry
[last lines]
Miss Farnaby: I'll tell you something, Mulberry. These have been quite the silliest few days of my life.
Mulberry: There is one thing. At least you're getting noticed.
Miss Farnaby: Well. I think I shall be keeping a very low public profile from now on.
Mulberry: Oh, I hope not. Because at the end of the day, it hasn't been dull, has it?
Miss Farnaby: Eat your curry.
Mulberry: Yes, Miss Farnaby.

Movie: Mulberry
[last lines]
The Stranger: What do you mean you like her?
Mulberry: What I said. I like her.
The Stranger: It won't make any difference, you know.
Mulberry: You're depressing, you are.
The Stranger: And you have no choice.

Movie: Mulberry