Moby Dick Quote

Ishmael: What the devil's the matter with you?
Queequeg: Ishmael no want go on ship with Queequeg?
Ishmael: No. I mean, yes, of course I do. But you would be better suited to pick out a whaler that's suited for both of us, not I, and I shall certainly not take your money. Queequeg, I fear I must make a confession. I used to be a schoolteacher. Do you know what that is?
Queequeg: Aye. Missionary.
Ishmael: No. Well, not exactly. What I'm trying to say is that I've never jumped a spar in my life.
Queequeg: Ishmael no sailor?
Ishmael: Aye. Me no sailor. It's just that I have this burning desire to go to sea.
Queequeg: Me Ojo savvy. Ishmael pick ship. Ishmael pick ship.

Movie: Moby Dick


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