Margin Call Quote

Sarah Robertson: What's your background?
Peter Sullivan: My background?
Sarah Robertson: Your CV.
Peter Sullivan: I've been with the firm for two and a half years working with Eric that whole time, but I hold a doctorate in engineering, speciality in propulsion, from MIT, with a Bachelor's from Penn.
Jared Cohen: What is a 'specialty in propulsion,' exactly?
Peter Sullivan: My thesis was a study in the ways that friction ratios affect steering outcomes in aeronautical use under reduced gravity loads.
Jared Cohen: So, you're a rocket scientist.
Peter Sullivan: I was, yeah.
Jared Cohen: Interesting. How did you end up here?
Peter Sullivan: Well, it's all just numbers really. Just changing what you're adding up. And, to speak freely, the money here is considerably more attractive.

Movie: Margin Call


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