Mandalay Quote

[last lines]

Mrs. George Peters: Yoo hoo! I was just sayin' to George, I mustn't forget to say goodbye to that nice Miss Lang. You poor darling, we've been so worried about'cha. Course we knew all the time you were perfectly innocent, didn't we, George?
[he nods]

Mrs. George Peters: Why, I told him you wouldn't kill a fly.

Spot White: [demurely] Thank you.

Mrs. George Peters: Well goodbye, my dear.

Mr. George Peters: If you ever come to Topeka, why...

Mrs. George Peters: Come along, George.

Mr. George Peters: Did I say sumpin' wrong?

Mrs. George Peters: No. Don't brag about Topeka.
[Two-shot of Gregory and Tanya, aka Spot White, heading off to the interior to fight the dreaded Black Fever. Then closeup on Tanya, looking brave and noble]

Movie: Mandalay


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