Man to Man Quotes

Beverly Carlton: I have very little time, and so the conversation will be entirely about me and I shall love it.

Movie: Man to Man
Dr. E. Bradley: [repeated line, most of the times the doctor appears out of a side door just when Whiteside is at the center of a three ring circus of activity] Mr. Whiteside, are you busy?

Movie: Man to Man
Clayton: It's the first time you've taken any interest in food since you've been here.
Dr. Laurience: It's the first time there's been any!

Movie: Man to Man
Dr. Laurience: I was the leading surgeon in Genoa - the greatest authority upon the human brain, until I told them something about their own brains. Then they said I was mad. Look at me. Am I mad?

Movie: Man to Man
Ellen Colby: I ain't used ta bein' polite at!

Movie: Man to Man
Jamie Dodd: [after capturing Likola] The whole world's been looking for you. And I'm the one who found you.
Likola: ...
Jamie Dodd: I'm going to call you America. You are my America, and by God, I'm your Christopher Columbus.

Movie: Man to Man