Man of Steel Quote

Jonathan Kent: [Jonathan shows Clark his ship]We found you in this. We were sure the government was gonna show up at our doorstep, but no one ever came.
Clark Kent at 13: [Clark looks over the ship in puzzlement].
Jonathan Kent: [Jonathan shows Clark the command key]This was in the chamber with you. We took it to a metallurgist at Kansas State. He said whatever it was made from didn't even... didn't even exist on the periodic table. It's another way of saying that it's not from this world, Clark... and neither are you. You're the answer, son. You're the answer to, are we alone in the universe?
Clark Kent at 13: I don't want to be.
Jonathan Kent: And I don't blame you, son. It'd be a huge burden for anyone to bear; but you're not just anyone, Clark, and I have to believe that you were... that you were sent here for a reason. All these changes that you're going through, one day... one day you're gonna think of them as a blessing; and when that day comes, you're gonna have to make a choice... a choice of whether to stand proud in front of the human race or not.
Clark Kent at 13: Can't I just keep pretending I'm your son?
Jonathan Kent: [hugs Clark nearly in tears]You are my son;... but somewhere out there, you... you have another father too, who gave you another name, and he sent you here for a reason, Clark; and even if it takes you the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is.

Movie: Man of Steel


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