Mahogany Sunrise Quote

Mrs. Salinas: When are you going to get it together and find a better job? [Mercedes rolls her eyes, she's heard it all before]
Mrs. Salinas: You need to be a better mother and start thinking about your daughter.
Mercedes Salinas: That's what I'm doing. That's why I work at that place. So, I can make the money for her to be in that school.
Mrs. Salinas: Who is this guy? Where did you meet him... at the club?
Mercedes Salinas: Yes. It's not like that. Mom, you see him, he's in there reading to Melissa. He's a good guy.
Mrs. Salinas: [coming over to sit next Mercedes on the couch]Why do you always do this? You meet these guys. What makes you think he's different?
Mercedes Salinas: Well. He's not from this town. He's not in a gang...
Mrs. Salinas: But he's going to hurt you. All men do. They lie and they take, take till there's nothing left. And then they leave.
Mercedes Salinas: Ma, just because father left [beat]
Mercedes Salinas: doesn't make every man like him

Movie: Mahogany Sunrise


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