Magical Project S Quote

Sammy: Ryo-Ohki, what does that...
(Sammy finds Ryo-Ohki in his true form and screams)
Ryo-Ohki: WH-WHAT?!
Sammy: Who... Who the heck are you?
Ryo-Ohki: What are you talking about? It's me, Ryo-Ohki!
Sammy: Ryo-Ohki?
Ryo-Ohki: Oh, yeah! You've never seen me like this before. This is what I really look like.
Sammy: No way.
Ryo-Ohki: It's true, I tell you!
Sammy: Then who did I used to kiss good night?
Ryo-Ohki: Me.
Sammy: Then who scoffed my cake and ate it behind my back?
Ryo-Ohki: Might have been me.
Sammy: And who came in the bathtub with me?
Ryo-Ohki: Uh, was that me?
Sammy: Gee Whiz! (whacks Ryo-Ohki)
Ryo-Ohki: That's mean, Sammy!
Sammy: But I didn't know that you weren't really a cat!
Ryo-Ohki: I had to, or else your family wouldn't have taken me in!
Sammy: Yeah, that might be, but still...
Ryo-Ohki: If a boy suddenly lives here, the neighbors would be shocked.

TV Show: Magical Project S


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