Mad Max: Fury Road Quotes

Max Rockatansky: That's my head!

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
[from trailer] Immortan Joe: Everybody has gone out their mind. You're not the only one, Max.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Imperator Furiosa: FOOL!

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Bullet Farmer: All this over a family squabble... healthy babies... [spits]

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Toast: [Max returns after killing the Bullet Farmer]Are you hurt?
Max Rockatansky: Huh?
Toast: You're bleeding.
Imperator Furiosa: That's not his blood.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Bullet Farmer: [while firing two sub-machine guns at the War Rig]Sing, Brother Heckler! Sing, Brother Koch! Sing, brothers! Sing! SING!

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Max Rockatansky: Have you done this before?
Imperator Furiosa: Many times.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Toast: [counting their remaining bullets]Well, we've only got four for big boy here, so he's all but useless. [holds up a tiny derringer]
Toast: But we can squirt off this little pinkie a raunchy twenty-nine times.
The Dag: Angharad used to call them anti-seed.
Cheedo the Fragile: Plant one and watch something die.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Imperator Furiosa: Hey. What's your name? What do I call you?
Max Rockatansky: Does it matter?
Imperator Furiosa: Fine. When I yell fool, you drive out of here as fast as you can.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
[after Furiosa's shot shatters his vehicle's searchlight] The Bullet Farmer: Hold up a flare!
Red Flare Warrior: I am holding a flare!
The Bullet Farmer: [opens his eyes wide]Closer!
Red Flare Warrior: It's right in front of your eyes! [realizing he is blind, the Farmer screams]

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Immortan Joe: I am your redeemer. It is by my hand you will rise from the ashes of this world.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Max Rockatansky: CONFUCAMUS!

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Valkyrie: It'll take two weeks to skirt the wall of mountains.
Max Rockatansky: No. I suggest we go back the same way we came. Through the canyon.
Toast: [after a pause]It's open - we know that, right? He brought all his war parties through.
Max Rockatansky: So we take the War Rig and charge it right through the middle of them. We can decouple the tanker at the pass, shut it off behind us.
Keeper of the Seeds: [she and the Dag make the same gesture]Kaboom! [laughter]

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Dag: [to her belly]Stay right where you are, little Joe. Kind of lost his novelty out here.
Keeper of the Seeds: You're having a baby?
The Dag: Warlord, Jr... It's gonna be so ugly.
Keeper of the Seeds: It could be a girl! [pause]
The Dag: You kill people with that, do you?
Keeper of the Seeds: Killed everyone I've ever met out here. Headshots all of, snap! Right on the medulla.
The Dag: I thought some of you girls were above all that.
Keeper of the Seeds: [after a pause]Come here. Take a peek.
The Dag: [gasping]Seeds.
Keeper of the Seeds: This are from home. Heirlooms. The real thing. I plant one every chance I get.
The Dag: Where?
Keeper of the Seeds: So far nothing's took. Earth's too sour.
The Dag: Ah! So many different kinds.
Keeper of the Seeds: Trees, flowers, fruit. Back then everyone had they field. Back then there was no need to snap anybody.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Nux: We're not to blame!
The Splendid Angharad: Then who killed the World?

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Dag: Angharad, is that just the wind or is it some furious vexation?

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Nux: There's high ground, just beyond that thing.
Capable: He means the tree.
Nux: Yeah, tree!

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Miss Giddy: [holding Immortan Joe at gunpoint with a shotgun]They are not your property!
Immortan Joe: Miss Giddy!
Miss Giddy: You cannot own a human being! Sooner or later, someone pushes back!
Miss Giddy: She didn't take them, they begged her to go!
Immortan Joe: [points the shotgun away and grabs Miss Giddy]... Where is she taking them?
Miss Giddy: A long way from you! [Immortan Joe takes Miss Giddy away]

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The People Eater: We are down 30,000 units of gasoline, 19 canisters of nitro, 12 assault bikes, 7 pursuit vehicles: the deficit mounts, and now sir, you have us stuck in a quagmire!

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
[the Bullet Farmer starts firing in the direction of the War Rig] Ripsaw Imperator: Wouldn't want to shoot the Wives, sir.
The Bullet Farmer: Just probing.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Slit: By my deeds I honour him, V8.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Nux: I am the man... who grabs the sun... RIDING TO VALHALLA! [turns to Max]
Nux: WITNESS ME, BLOOD BAG! [sprays lips with chrome spray paint]

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Vuvalini: What's there to find at the Citadel?
Max Rockatansky: Green.
Toast: And water. There's a ridiculous amount of clear water. And a lot of crops.
The Dag: It's got everything you need, as long as you're not afraid of heights.
Keeper of the Seeds: Where does the water come from?
Toast: [re: Immortan Joe]He pumps it up from deep within the earth. He calls it Aqua Cola and claims it all for himself.
The Dag: And because he owns it, he owns all of us.
Keeper of the Seeds: I don't like him already.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Max Rockatansky: Hey - you need to take the War Rig half a klick down the track.
Imperator Furiosa: What if you're not back by the time the engines are cooled?
Max Rockatansky: [looks back, then shrugs]Well, you keep movin'. [heads off towards the Bullet Farmer's gunfire]
Toast: What do you suppose he's gonna do?
Imperator Furiosa: Retaliate first.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Dag: [to Immortan Joe]Schlanger!

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Ace: Why can't you stop?

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Vuvalini: One man, one bullet.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
[Max and Furiosa come across a naked woman screaming and crying in a cage] Max Rockatansky: Uh-uh. That's bait.
Imperator Furiosa: Stay in the rig.

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
The Bullet Farmer: I am the scales of justice; conductor of the choir of death. Sing, Brother Heckler! Sing, Brother Koch! Sing, brothers! Sing! SING!

Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road