M.K. 22 Quote

Gili Lahav Nachmani: [after the supreme court has declared that handicapped people may try out for Air Force Combat Pilot training] ... Thousands of handicapped people have begun preparing for flight school try-outs. We have selected just one. Michal Levinstein, a crippled girl, paralysed from the waist down, with one lung, one kidney, and mental retardation.
Michal Levinstein: I'm not retarded!
Gili Lahav Nachmani: So what? It's a better story if you are. Michal, do you REALLY believe you'll pass the selection program?
Michal Levinstein: Of course! I have a motto: There's no Can't, there's only Won't!
Gili Lahav Nachmani: But in your case, there IS Can't. Can't stand up. Can't run around. Can't feel this... [Gili kicks Levinstein in the shin]
Michal Levinstein: Owww!
Gili Lahav Nachmani: Can't swim. Can't dance. Can't go into a room without everyone saying Ecccch, look at that disgusting cripple... blehhhhh

Movie: M.K. 22


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