Love, Rosie Quotes

Rosie Dunne: But if I go to Boston, mom will never speak to me again.
Dennis Dunne: Well, if you don't go, I won't. The choice is yours.
Manager: [Manager comes and reminds him that he is being late]Dennis!
Dennis Dunne: And do me a favour; come back and take that prick's job.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Dick: [Rosie sees the doctor for the stuck condom in her vagina]Hi, I'm Dick.
Rosie Dunne: Of course, you are.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Rosie Dunne: [Rosie hears Alex and Bethany having sex]Oh my god! Is... is that...
Clare: Bethany
Rosie Dunne: So, when you said he was...
Clare: tied up...
Rosie Dunne: you actually meant...
Clare: tied up.
Rosie Dunne: Um, I should go.
Clare: Any second now.
Bethany: [And Clare mocking her]Oh Alex, where did you learn to do that? [Rosie pukes in Bethany's handbag]

Movie: Love, Rosie
Alex Stewart: How do I go about seducing a woman who is apparently out of my league?
Rosie Dunne: Is that a serious question?
Alex Stewart: Yeah, absolutely.
Rosie Dunne: Mmm well, you're at a disadvantage being a, you know, [whispers]
Rosie Dunne: virgin.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Greg: [Greg closes the car door][to Alex]
Greg: See ya.
Alex Stewart: [after Greg left with Rosie][thinking to himself about Greg and giggles]
Alex Stewart: Wanker!

Movie: Love, Rosie
Rosie Dunne: What do you think? Boobs au naturel or pushed up? In? Or out?
Alex Stewart: [surprised]Well, uh, I mean, it depends. Is it [stammers]
Alex Stewart: for dancing, or is it, um... Hmm...
Rosie Dunne: Who knows?

Movie: Love, Rosie
Rosie Dunne: You're lucky she didn't trip over your tongue dragging half way across the ground.

Movie: Love, Rosie
[Last lines] Alex Stewart: Rosie Dunne, can I take you to the dance?
Rosie Dunne: Better late than never.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Alex Stewart: Okay, and what what happened to the sex?
Rosie Dunne: This is about the sex!
Alex Stewart: God, you're so fucked up!
Rosie Dunne: Mmm, you have no idea. Huh.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Dennis Dunne: I've been winging it with you for 18 years, pretending I was the one in charge. You're amazing, Rosie. There is nothing you can't do, if you put your mind to it.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Ruby: [to Rosie]It is so great having you as a friend. I mean, everytime something goes wrong in my life, all I've got to do is look at yours and it puts everything into perspective.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Rosie Dunne: Did you ever want more, Dad?
Dennis Dunne: Do you know what your Gran's favourite phrase was? Not for the likes of us. When you told us of your plan it was the first thing that popped into my head. I could hear her voice in the room saying it. I don't want that voice in your head, ever.

Movie: Love, Rosie
[at the airport] Ruby: [arrives and sees Katie and Toby are travelling too]What's this, a school outing?
Rosie Dunne: I couldn't leave her behind and wherever Katie goes, Toby goes.
Ruby: [to Katie and Toby]Oh, are you two an item now?
Katie (12 yrs): [unisone with Toby]No way! We are friends,.
Toby (12 yrs): [unisone with Katie]No way! We are friends.
Ruby: [rolling her eyes]God give us strength.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Rosie Dunne: They have food in America, Mum, and I'm guessing washing machines.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Rosie Dunne: If I'd told him, he'd never have left and his whole life would have been ruined too. I mean, what's the point?
Ruby: How noble. I'd have forced the bastard to stay.
Rosie Dunne: Oh, no, no. He's not the dad. That's just some other loser.
Ruby: You are turning out to be a lot more interesting than you look.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Rosie Dunne: [voice over]In battle to preserve sanity, I must remember following rules. Number one, never breast feed in a public place. Two, never bounce Katie on knee after feeding. Three, try not to cry when she cries. And four, the most important of all, never assume trouble isn't around the next corner.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Rosie Dunne: And I don't just mean average nice, I mean Father Christmas-Easter Bunny-Tom Hanks-all-rolled-into-one nice

Movie: Love, Rosie
[Alex is checking into the hotel] Rosie Dunne: Any baggage?
Alex Stewart: No. I left it behind.

Movie: Love, Rosie
Alex Stewart: Can I be godfather?

Movie: Love, Rosie
Sally: [screaming]Oh! Why can't you just say fudge?

Movie: Love, Rosie