Lost Quote

[In the sideways world, Locke arrives outside of the church. He finds Ben waiting]
Locke: Hello, Benjamin.
Ben: Hello, John.
Locke: Is everyone else inside?
Ben: I believe most of them are.
[Locke starts to wheel his way toward the entrance]
Ben: I'm sorry, John. I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was angry. Selfish. I wanted everything you had.
Locke: What did I have?
Ben: You were special. And I wasn't.
Locke: Well if it helps, I forgive you, Ben.
Ben: Thank you, John. It does help.
Locke: Are you going to come in?
Ben: I'm not quite ready to leave yet. I have some things I still need to work out here.[Locke nods and begins to leave] You know, I don't think you need to be in that chair anymore.
[Locke pauses, unsure; slowly, he rises, steps out of the chair and watches as it rolls away]
Locke: Bye, Ben.[Ben nods, as Locke goes inside the church]

TV Show: Lost


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