Lost Quote

[Jack and Ben, in the 316 Ajira flight]
Jack: [Nervous] How can you read?
Ben: [Keeps reading] My mother taught me. [Pretty funny smile] I can read, Jack, because it beats what you are doing.
Jack: What's that?
Ben: Waiting for something to happen.
Jack: And what is gonna happen?
Ben: You tell me, Jack, you're the one that got to stay after school with Ms. Hawking.
Jack: Did you know that Locke killed himself?
Ben: No. No, I didn't.
Jack: [Takes out the suicide note Locke left for him] They found this stuffed in his pocket... and I've been trying to get rid of it but it's like it's... following me. I know it sounds crazy but... it feels like John needs me to read it.
Ben: Why don't you then? Is it because you're afraid?
Jack: Afraid of what?
Ben: Afraid that he blames you, that it's your fault he killed himself.
Jack: Was it my fault?
Ben: No, Jack, it wasn't your fault. Let me give you some privacy.
[Ben changes his seat, and Jack reads the note: "Jack, I wish you had believed me. JL"]
[Turbulences and a flash like those from the Island start]

TV Show: Lost


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