Lost Quote

Hurley: Dude they'll find out.
Jack: Not if we stick to the story.
Sayid: I don't know, Jack. It could be a risk.
Jack: It's the only way. We have to do this.
Lapidus: You're still at it, huh?
Jack: Look, we're running out of time. We've got to make a decision now. So are we all okay with this?
Sayid: This is a decision that will affect the rest of our lives. I'm not taking it lightly.
Jack: Kate?
Kate: Yeah.
Jack: Sun?
[Sun nods]
Jack: Frank?
Lapidus: What?
Jack: Sorry you got dragged into this, but we need to know that you're with us.
Lapidus: Whatever you guys decide, I'll just roll with.
Jack: Hurley, what about you?
Hurley: I don't think we should lie dude.
Jack: We need to protect the people that we left behind, Hurley.
Hurley: How does lying protect them?
Jack: It protects them from Charles Widmore. The guy hired a boatload of people to kill all of us. He faked the plane crash, and you think telling him the truth he's just gonna.. he's gonna leave them alone?
Hurley: [To Penny] Look he's your dad right? Can't you just like.. call him off?
Penny: There's no calling my father off.
Hurley: But, he'll never find 'em. I mean the Island disappeared, we all saw it, it's gone... BLUP!
Jack: You thing anyone's gonna believe that? Believe any of it? They're gonna think you're crazy.
Hurley: Unless someone backs me up.
[He looks at Sayid]
Hurley: Sayid, come on. They'll think I'm nuts if I tell the truth but what if we all do? I mean if we can stick together, we can make 'em believe us. I don't wanna spend the rest of my life lying, do you?!
Sayid: No, but I d

TV Show: Lost


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