Lost Quote

[Ben leads Locke to where Anthony Cooper, his father, is tied up. The Others looks on]
Ben: [Hands Locke a knife] I know it won't be easy. But the quicker the better.
Cooper: [After Ben ungags him] You're kidding me, right? You expect him to kill me?
Ben: John, the hesitation you're feeling is just the part of you that still feels that he has a perfectly good explanation for stealing your kidney. Throwing you out of an eight-story window. Don't you wanna be free from him?
Cooper: The hesitation he's feeling is because he is a spineless--
Locke: [Growing anxious] Shut up! I, I've gotta think...
Ben: Don't think, John.
Cooper: You're wasting your time, bug-eye. Me and him have been through all of this. All he wants is his daddy.
Locke: Shut up! I SAID SHUT UP!
Ben: Let go of him, John.
Locke: Why are you doing this to me?
Ben: You're doing this to yourself. As long as he's still breathing, you will still be that same sad, pathetic little man who was kicked off of his walkabout tour because you couldn't walk!
[Flaring with anger, Locke presses his knife to Cooper's throat. Just as he is about to kill him, he turns away, humiliated]
Cooper: [Mocking] I'll be here the rest of the week, John, if you change your mind.
[Ben spins and hits Cooper across the face with his cane, knocking him out. He then takes Locke's knife away and addresses The Others]
Ben: I'm sorry. He's not who we thought he was.

TV Show: Lost


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