Lost Quote

Ben: I know you think you need to do this John, but if you blow up my submarine, I'll have a big problem with my people.
Locke: Is that supposed to be an incentive not to blow it up?
Ben: I was born on this island; not many of my people can say that. Most of them were recruited and brought here, and as much as they love this place, as much as they would do anything to defend it, they need to know that they can leave if they want to. The sub maintains that illusion.
Locke: So you're lying to them?
Ben: No... they're here because they want to be here. Some of them are just not ready to make a full commitment yet. But you John, you've already made that commitment. And now you have a choice, because if you stop and think, I can show you things. things I know that you want to see very badly. Let me put it so you'll understand: picture a box. You know something about boxes, don't you John? What if I told you that somewhere on this island there is a very large box and whatever you imagined, whatever you wanted to be in it, when you open that box, there it would be. What would you say about that John?
Locke: I'd say that I hope that box is big enough for you to imagine up a new submarine.
Ben: Why are you so angry John?
Locke: Because you're cheating. You communicate with the outside world whenever you want to, you come and go as you please, you use electricity and running water and guns. You're a hypocrite. You don't deserve to be on this island. If you had any idea what this place was you wouldn't be putting chicken in your refrigerator.
Ben: You have been on this island for 80 days, John. I have been here my entire life. So what makes you think you know this island better than I do?
Locke: Because you're in the wheelchair, and I'm not.

TV Show: Lost


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