Lost Quote

Portugese man 1: [Translated from Portugese. The man sees the computer alerting to an electromagnetic anomaly] What?
Portugese man 2: How long has it been doing that?
[First man goes over to the equipment and hurriedly looks through a book]
Portugese man 2: That's it, isn't it? We missed it again...
Portugese man 1: We didn't miss it!
[An alarm starts beeping and the first man goes to a computer screen.]
Portugese man 2: So it's not a false alarm this time?!
Portugese man 1: Just shut up and call!!
[On the other end, a woman answers the phone]
Woman: Hello?
Portugese man 2: Ms. Widmore? It's us. I think we found it.
'[Penelope Widmore looks shocked as the episode cuts to black]

TV Show: Lost


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