Lost Quote

[Sawyer has just shot a charging polar bear.]
Kate: Where did that come from?
Sawyer: Probably Bear Village. How the hell do I know?
Kate: Not the bear--the gun.
Sawyer: I got it off one of the bodies.
Sayid: One of the bodies.
Sawyer: Yeah, one of the bodies.
Shannon: People don't carry guns on planes.
Sawyer: They do if they're a U.S. Marshal, sweet cheeks. There was one on the plane.
Kate: How do you know that?
Sawyer: I saw a guy lying there with an ankle holster, so I took the gun. Thought it might come in handy. Guess what. I just shot a bear!
Kate: So why do you think he's a Marshal?
Sawyer: Because he had a clip-on badge. I took that, too. Thought it was cool.

TV Show: Lost


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