Lois and Clark - The New Adventures of Superman Quote

Clark Kent: Why wouldn't the Chief want us to tell Jimmy that he said that?
Lois Lane: It's one of those father/son things.
Clark Kent: Oh, really?
Lois Lane: Sure, it's classic. Men are uncomfortable expressing their emotions directly. It's just like the father/daughter thing, only, when you finally do talk, you use more sports metaphors.
Clark Kent: Ha, that's ridiculous. [Perry sticks his head out of his office]
Perry White: Clark, if Jimmy calls, tell him I know it feels like the bottom of the ninth with two outs and two strikes against him but that the Planet is gonna mount a full-court press, and we won't stop until it's game, set, match, Olsen.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman


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