Leap! Quote

Victor: [shows Felicie into his new place of work]So, behold my office. Or as I like to call it, my 'inventorium'. I even invented that word here! [leads her to a desk with blueprints on it]
Victor: Here, we see the plans of Chicken Wings, Version Three. [He leans on the desk and slips, falling to the floor and sending his blueprints flying. He quickly gets back up and awkwardly continues the tour]
Victor: At the moment, my boss and I are working on several... Uh... important... [giggles nervously and fiddles around with a nutcracker]
Victor: Inventions. [loses his grip and the nutcracker hits a bookshelf, breaking it]
Victor: He... uh... [doesn't look where he's going and accidentally steps into an empty bucket]
Victor: He calls me his ideas man. [clears his throat]
Felicie: [amazed]You know how to use all this stuff?
Victor: Uh, not yet. But I... I have a chair. [sits down in his chair and spins around, finally getting the bucket off his foot]
Felicie: [looking through a telescope]You've done so well, Victor!
Victor: Glad we see eye-to-eye on that. [Felicie giggles]
Matty: [enters, holding a large stack of scrolls]Hey, Victor.
Victor: [to Felicie]He's the cleaner. [lowers his voice]
Victor: He's two Eiffel's short of a tower.
Matty: [to Victor]So the pencils all need sharpening and the boss wants us to polish his shoes for tomorrow.
Victor: [awkwardly]I don't do that.
Felicie: [amused]So your big boss calls you his ideas man, huh?
Victor: [puts pencils in a sharpener]Well... Uh... HE has the ideas. [absentmindedly puts a screw in the pencil sharpener]
Victor: And I think they're great. But it's a start.
Felicie: Hey, Victor. You were right for once. Dreams CAN come t

Movie: Leap!


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