Kate and Allie Quote

Kate: You know who lives in that building? Greta Garbo.
Allie: There...right there, like a normal person?
Kate: Uh-huh.
Allie: What do you suppose she's doing right now?
Kate: Probably watching TV. Let's go. *Kate starts to walk off*
Allie: No! Don't you want to...wait and see if she comes out?
Kate: Allie, she "wants to be alone."
Allie: Oh, come on, just a minute!
Kate: Okay, okay. But this is ridiculous!
Allie: *sees a shadow from the window* Oh my God! It's her!
Kate: How can you tell?
Allie: I know it's her! It's she!
Kate: That could be anybody.
Allie: *to herself* I saw...Greta Garbo!
Kate: You saw...a woman in a hat! It could have been Bella Abzug!
Allie: Are you trying to spoil what could possibly be the high point of my life?
Kate: *sigh* Okay, okay, we saw Greta Garbo.
Allie: Do you really think it was her?

TV Show: Kate and Allie


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