Jane Wants a Boyfriend Quotes

Jane: You really shouldn't do that, it's bad for you. And it's illegal to smoke indoors in the State of New York.
Jack: I've heard that. I've also heard that cookies make your butt fat.
Jane: Well, I'd rather have a big cookie butt than be dead.
Jack: Yeah, because then you could eat your own big cookie butt.

Movie: Jane Wants a Boyfriend
[Jack is reading on the floor of the store] Bookstore Worker: Maybe you wanna buy it.
Jack: See, this is why people go to Barnes and Noble.

Movie: Jane Wants a Boyfriend
Jane: It's one of the wonders of the world you know. I just don't understand it. I understand that it may be interesting that humans built it, but a wonder! Awe-inspiring! I just don't get you neurotypicals and what you find awesome.

Movie: Jane Wants a Boyfriend
Bianca: Get your rent-a-fuck out of my bathroom and take her wherever it is the fuck you take chicks like that, but you aren't going anywhere with Jane.

Movie: Jane Wants a Boyfriend
Paul: *No more fuck ups. We're too close to opening for fuck ups.*

Movie: Jane Wants a Boyfriend