It Quotes

Bill: Kill It, Bev!
It: Kill! [laughs]
It: Me? I am eternal, child. I am the eater of worlds, and of children. And you are next.

TV Show: It
Frieda: [She comes in and sits down in front of Shroeder's piano where Lucy usually sits] Shroeder, I think it's disgraceful the way Lucy bothers you, and she's always asking everybody Why does he always have to play that stupid piano? I think that's terrible. [pauses a bit, then]
Frieda: Incidentally, why DO you always have to play this stupid piano?
Lucy van Pelt: [Comes in and sees her] What are you doing here?
Frieda: Who wants to know? Maybe I just like music.
Lucy van Pelt: [Sits down beside her] Do you like Beethoven?
Frieda: What?
Lucy van Pelt: If you're going to hang around here, you've got to like Beethoven.
Frieda: Alright, but I'll just have a small glass. [Schroeder stops playing when he realizes what she just said, then angerly pulls the piano out from under both of them]
Lucy van Pelt: You blew it, kid.

TV Show: It
It: I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm your worst dream come true. I'm everything you ever were afraid of.

TV Show: It
Pennywise: Hi-ya, Georgie! Arentcha gonna say... *hello*?
George 'Georgie' Elmer Denbrough: [shakes head]
Pennywise: Awww, whatsa matter Georgie? Doncha want a... balloon?
George 'Georgie' Elmer Denbrough: My daddy told me never to take stuff from strangers.
Pennywise: Very wise of ya dad, Georgie - very wise indeed. But *I* am Pennywise the Dancin Clown- and you're Georgie! So now we know eachotha!

TV Show: It
[Charlie Brown is flying his kite, and as expected, lands it in the jaws of the Kite Eating Tree]
Charlie Brown: You stupid tree! If you don't stop biting my kite, I'll bite *you*! [Naturally, the tree refuses to oblige, and continues to gorge on the kite]
Charlie Brown: All right... you asked for it! [Grabs hold of the tree, opening his jaws]
Charlie Brown: [One second later, the tree stops biting as it feels a bite taken out of it]
Charlie Brown: [There is a hole in the tree in the shape of Charlie Brown's teeth] Didn't think I'd do it, did ya? [Makes a sinister grin-alas, no damage on his own teeth]

TV Show: It
Ben Hanscom: Derry started as a beaver trapping camp.
Richie Tozier: Still is! Am I right, boys?

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: I hear the list is longer than my wang.
Stanley Uris: That's not saying much.

Movie: It
Stanley Uris: When you're a kid, you think that you'll always be... protected, and cared for. Then, one day, you realize that's not true. If you open your eyes, you will see what we're going through. 'Cause when you're alone as a kid, the monsters see you as weaker. You don't even know they're getting closer. Until it's too late.

Movie: It
Ben Hanscom: I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too.
Beverly Marsh: Because I want to run *towards* something, not away.
Richie Tozier: I'm sorry, but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: Hey Eddie, are these your birth control pills?
Eddie Kaspbrak: Yeah, I'm saving them for your sister!

Movie: It
Eddie Kaspbrak: They're gazebos! They're bullshit!

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: Go blow your dad, you mullet wearing asshole!

Movie: It
Pennywise: Hi Georgie! [pause]
Pennywise: What a nice boat. Do you want it back?
Georgie: Um... Yes, please.
Pennywise: You look like a nice boy, I bet you have a lot of friends.
Georgie: Three... but my brother is my best's best.
Pennywise: Where is he?
Georgie: In bed. Sick.
Pennywise: I bet I can cheer him up! I'll give him a balloon. Do you want a balloon too, Georgie?
Georgie: I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers.
Pennywise: Oh! Well, I'm Pennywise, the dancing clown. Pennywise?. Yes?, Meet Georgie. Georgie, meet Pennywise. [Georgie laughs]
Pennywise: Now we aren't strangers. Are we?
Georgie: What are you doing in the sewer?
Pennywise: A storm blew me away. Blew the whole circus away. [laughs]
Pennywise: Can you smell the circus, Georgie? There's peanuts... cotton candy... hot dogs... and...
Georgie: Popcorn?
Pennywise: POPCORN! Is that your favorite?
Georgie: Uh-huh.
Pennywise: Mine too! [laughs]
Pennywise: Because they pop! Pop, pop! Pop, pop! Pop, pop, pop! [both laugh]
Pennywise: [pause]
Georgie: Um... I should get going, now.
Pennywise: Oh! Without your boat? You don't wanna lose it Georgie. Bill's gonna kill you! Here. Take it. [pause]
Pennywise: Take it, Georgie.

Movie: It
Ben Hanscom: Your hair is winter fire/January embers/My heart burns there, too.

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: Doesn't smell like caca to me, senor.

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: Eddie! [pause]
Richie Tozier: Oh, fuck! Eddie!
Pennywise: [to Bill]This isn't real enough for you, Billy? *I'm not real enough for you?*
Richie Tozier: Holy shit!
Pennywise: It was real enough for Georgie! [laughs maniacally]

Movie: It
Mike Hanlon: Bill!
Beverly Marsh: Let him go!
Pennywise: NO! I'll take him! I'll take all of you! I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear... Or... you'll just leave us be... I will take him. Only him, and I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead *happy* lives, until old age takes you back to the weeds. [pause]
Bill Denbrough: Leave!

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: Welcome to the Loser's Club, asshole!

Movie: It
Stanley Uris: [Bill holds up a sneaker he found in the sewer]Shit... don't tell me that's...
Bill Denbrough: No... Georgie wore galoshes.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Whose sneaker is it?
Richie Tozier: It's Betty Ripsom's.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Oh shit. Oh god. Oh fuck! I don't like this.
Richie Tozier: How do you think Betty feels? Running around these tunnels with only one frickin shoe?

Movie: It
Pennywise: Beep Beep Richie!

Movie: It
Ben Hanscom: Derry is not like any town I've been in before. They did a study once and, it turns out, people die or disappear at six times the national average. And that's just grown ups. Kids are worse. Way, way worse.

Movie: It
Beverly Marsh: I need to show you something.
Richie Tozier: More than we saw at the quarry?

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: Look at this motherfucker! He's leaking Hamburger Helper!

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: I'm glad I met you before you died.

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: Rock war!

Movie: It
Bill Denbrough: We like hanging with you.
Beverly Marsh: [smiling]Thanks.
Bill Denbrough: You shouldn't thank us too much, hanging with us makes you a loser, too.

Movie: It
Pennywise: [to Eddie]Time to float.

Movie: It
Pennywise: [Last word spoken]Fear.

Movie: It
Bill Denbrough: He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.

Movie: It
Richie Tozier: Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?

Movie: It