Iron Man 3 Quote

[Stark sits down and attempts to remove the microchips from his left forearm when Harley suddenly appears at the front door, aiming his potato gun at him] Harley Keener: Freeze! [Stark drops the pliers]
Harley Keener: Don't... move!
Tony Stark: [Raises hands]You got me. [Stark looks at the potato gun]
Tony Stark: Nice potato gun. Barrel's a little long. Between that and the wide gauge, it's going to diminish your FPS... [Harley shoots a bottle off a column]
Tony Stark: And now you're out of ammo.
Harley Keener: What's that thing on your chest?
Tony Stark: It's a... electromagnet. You should know. You've got a box of them right here. [points at box on table]
Harley Keener: What does it power? [Stark points the table lamp toward the Mark 42 armor sitting on the couch]
Harley Keener: Oh my God! [Harley approaches suit]
Harley Keener: That's... is that... Iron Man?
Tony Stark: Technically, I am Iron Man.
Harley Keener: Technically, you're dead. [Harley hands Stark a newspaper with the headline of the destruction of Stark's mansion]
Tony Stark: Valid point.
Harley Keener: What happened to him?
Tony Stark: Life. I built him. I take care of him. I'll fix him.
Harley Keener: Like a mechanic?
Tony Stark: Yeah.

Movie: Iron Man 3


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