Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas Quotes

Inspector Gadget: And here on page forty-seven, I listed the optional items.
Chief Quimby: Gadget? It's me!
Inspector Gadget: Of course it's you Santa and I've always believed in you.
Chief Quimby: Gadget? It's me!
Inspector Gadget: No question about it Santa!

TV Show: Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas

Inspector Gadget: Merry Christmas to all and a go-go gadget good night.

TV Show: Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas

Penny: Uncle Gadget arrested the real Santa? Oh no! What next?

TV Show: Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas

Dr. Claw: Only one person can stop me now. And my MAD Agents will stop him first!

TV Show: Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas