Inside Out Quote

Disgust: [Seeing Riley about to eat a grape she dropped]Whoa, no way! We are not eating that.
Joy: Disgust, it's fine. It passed the five-second rule.
Disgust: The grape touched the ground. It's poison.
Joy: Oh, come on. It barely touched the ground.
Disgust: Wait, what? You know what else 'barely' touches the ground? Stray dogs!
Joy: [wrestling the control lever back and forth with Disgust, causing Riley to stop and start putting the grape in her mouth]Hold on!
Disgust: Toenail clippings! Roadkill! Hippies!
Joy: No!
Disgust: Dung beetles!
Joy: Stop it!
Fear: Uh, shouldn't we do something?
Anger: Haha, no.
Joy: It's a *grape*! It's not like we're eating broccoli.
Disgust: Ugh, don't even go there.
Joy: Or boogers.
Disgust: You're evil! [she gags and runs off]
Joy: Or dog food.
Disgust: [distantly]Shut your mouth! [Joy pulls the lever causing Riley to pop the grape in her mouth]

Movie: Inside Out


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