Hop Quote

Sam O'Hare: Fred, wait, wait, wait! Fred.
Fred O'Hare: Did you know about this, Sam?
Sam O'Hare: Oh, er...
Fred O'Hare: You did.
Sam O'Hare: Okay, look. The rules of this intervention state that I am not supposed to help you, okay? So you can't tell anyone what I'm about to do.
Fred O'Hare: No! I'm not going to take money from you.
Sam O'Hare: Wasn't going to give you money.
Fred O'Hare: We can call it a loan.
Sam O'Hare: Fred, look, I got you a job interview tomorrow at my friend's company.
Fred O'Hare: I'm a little slammed tomorrow.
Sam O'Hare: I know you're not.
Fred O'Hare: I'm pretty busy.
Sam O'Hare: No. Look, it's an entry-level position.
Fred O'Hare: Entry-level?
Sam O'Hare: At a video game company! [brief pause]
Fred O'Hare: Okay. That's kinda cool.
Sam O'Hare: I know.
Fred O'Hare: All right, if it means that much to you, then I'll - I'll swing by.
Sam O'Hare: No, Fred. No. You don't swing by. Okay? You shower, you shave, and you show up. The three 'Shs!' Come on, Fred. You've got to start your life. Think of this as a reboot!
Fred O'Hare: Right!
Sam O'Hare: It's time.
Fred O'Hare: Yeah. You know what? You're right. In a couple of months, couple of weeks, you're gonna see a whole new Fred. Yeah. By Easter. Easter is in 2 weeks. By Easter, I'm going to have a new job, a new place, a new life
Sam O'Hare: Great!
Fred O'Hare: Okay.

Movie: Hop


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