Hare Trigger Quote

Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, Doc?
Yosemite Sam: What's up? Why, you hornery, fur-bearing critter! This here is one of them there train robbery hold-ups.
Bugs Bunny: Yeah? Well, you must be Jesse James.
Yosemite Sam: Jesse James? Ha ha ha! Phooey! Why, everybody knows me. I'm Yosemite Sam, the meanest, toughtest, rip-roaringest, Edward-Everett-Hortonest hombre whatever packed a six-shooter. [Fires some shots in the air]
Yosemite Sam: That's who I am!
Bugs Bunny: You don't say? Well, come 'ere, shorty, come 'ere. Don't say I told ya, but there's a guy in the next car who says he's the meanest, toughest, et cetera, et cetera, and he's got a seven-shooter to prove it. How's about that?
Yosemite Sam: There is? Why, I'll blast the varmit wide open!

Movie: Hare Trigger


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