Gundam Seed Quote

Athrun Zala: You seem to have some kind of grudge against Orb; may I ask why? I thought you used to live there. If you're looking for some kind of trivial excuse to drag the Representative into an irrelevant fight, I won't stand for it.
Shinn Asuka: Trivial!? I won't let anyone call it trivial! And you're wrong about it being irrelevant too! I lost my entire family because of the Athhas. They believed in the nation, and they believed in your so-called ideals. And in the end, they were all killed at Onogoro. [Turns toward Cagalli] That's why I will never believe a word that you say. I'll never believe in Orb. I'll never believe any of your self-serving lies again. When you said you were going to uphold justice, did you ever stop and think of the innocents? Of how many people would die because you insisted on following through your values to the bitter end? I wish people who didn't understand stuff wouldn't talk about things as if they did.

TV Show: Gundam Seed


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