Guardians of the Galaxy Quote

[a brawl takes place between Drax and Rocket] Drax the Destroyer: This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!
Rocket Raccoon: That is true!
Drax the Destroyer: He has no respect!
Rocket Raccoon: That is also true! Keep callin' me vermin tough guy, you just want to laugh at me like everyone else!
Peter Quill: Rocket, you're drunk, all right? No one's laughing at you.
Rocket Raccoon: [points at Drax]He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does! [starts to cry]
Rocket Raccoon: Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some little monster!
Peter Quill: Rocket, no one's calling you a monster...
Rocket Raccoon: He called me vermin! She called me rodent! Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots in your freakin' face! [draws a gun]
Peter Quill: No no no! Four billion units! Rocket, come on man, suck it up for one more lousy night and we're rich.
Rocket Raccoon: Fine, but I can't promise when all of this is over I'm not going to kill every last one of you jerks.
Peter Quill: See, this is exactly why none of you have any friends!

Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy


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