Grey's Anatomy Quote

Izzie: I cut the LVAD wire.
Meredith: Actually, I cut the LVAD wire.
George: No, I did. I'm the one who cut the wire. [Pause][elbows Cristina]
Cristina: Fine, I cut the LVAD wire.
Alex: I didn't do anything, I'm totally innocent...
Cristina, George, Meredith, Izzie: [all at once] Alex! - That’s not the point. - What about loyalty?
Chief: PEOPLE! I know who did this, so you might as well come clean. I know!
George: With all due respect, sir, if you knew you wouldn't be asking us.
Izzie: I did it-. (gets cut off by Meredith)
Meredith: You have your suspicions, but you don't actually know.
Cristina: Not for sure.
George: And you can't do anything to any of us without proof, sir.
Chief: Well, one of you compromised a patient's life. One of you stole an organ. One of you jeopardized the integrity of this hospital and of UNOS. Now you tell me and you tell me right now. [Silence] Alright, fine. [They start to leave] No surgeries.
Cristina: Sir?
Chief: No one scrubs in, no one watches from the galleries, no one so much as goes near the OR floor. Until someone confesses, you will share a single patient: Camille Travis. Whatever she wants, the five of you will provide it. Get the hell out of my sight.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy


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