Grey's Anatomy Quote

Meredith: They always look so sad when I kick them out. Seriously, why do guys not understand that when you pick them up in a bar and take them home for sex, that there are no picket fences or kids in your future?
[Cristina takes out Burke's key]
Meredith: Burke keyed you?
Cristina: I got freaking keyed before coffee.
Meredith: What is wrong with them?
Cristina: They're like these 1950s debutantes, one dance and there's a shotgun to your head.
[Meredith's One-Night-Stand walks up]
Steve: Meredith? You work here?
Meredith: What are you doing
Steve: I'm having a little problem.
Cristina: Steve, Steve?
Steve: Actually, I'm having a big problem.
[Moves his jacket to reveal his erect penis. Cristina notices and starts staring at it. Meredith doesn't notice.]
Meredith: What?
Cristina: [Still staring] Steve, hi! Cristina.
Steve: Ever since you...and I [Meredith follows Cristina's gaze and does a double-take] won't go away.
Meredith: Cristina!
Cristina: What? It's right there, looking at me! There are so many things I could say right now — Champ!

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy


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