General Hospital Quote

Heather Grant Webber Quartermaine: I assume you all received my fax.
Edward Quartermaine #3: What fax?
Dr. Monica Quartermaine: Oh, Heather was thoughtful enough to fax us a copy of your marriage certificate.
Edward Quartermaine #3: Really?
Heather Grant Webber Quartermaine: I thought I'd give everybody a head start on getting used to the idea and I was hoping when we got home that your family would be able to share in out happiness. Oh, it just occurred to me - you're all my family, too, now.
Dr. Monica Quartermaine: Ugh.
Dr. Alan Quartermaine: Just because you dragged my Father to the altar, don't think I'm going to start calling you Mother.
Heather Grant Webber Quartermaine: Heather will be fine.
Tracy Quartermaine: I have a better idea. How about Thieving, Gold-Digging, Tramp?

TV Show: General Hospital


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